Empower. Advise. Represent.

Did you know that being a Realtor is not a sales job? It used to be, back in 1880. And things didn't change much for 100 years. Even in 1995 it was pretty much still a sales job. Things started to change in the late 1990's with the advent of buyer representation and the Real Estate and Business Broker's Act in Ontario. Nevertheless, to this day you'll find a lot of real estate agents stuck in sales mode. But we are in the 2020's, and there's been no excuse for quite a few years. It's time to understand that real estate agents are project managers, advisors, marketing managers, advocates, and researchers. We are here to serve you, inform you (with copious facts and data), and have your back - standing up for your interests. Check out some of my articles and videos and you'll begin to see what I mean. And if you're looking for information, solid advice, and representation in any Ottawa real estate matter, don't hesitate to get in touch.

I am truly certain your well crafted letter is part of the reason we got to $(our price). It is a convincing rationale without being hard lined. It’s perfect. You state the case with the paperwork to back it up. I know it was a long road getting here but I believe, like you, it’s a solid value for what and where it is. I can’t thank you enough. From the purchase of my mom’s house to now my purchase, your level of service was over and above my expectations for a realty experience. You were my advocate today especially dealing with the board President and Property Manager on my behalf to get the answers to make this happen. It was truly a pleasure on every occasion and I really learned a lot about the process that seemed quite daunting at the start. Thank you so very much. I will not hesitate to recommend you at every opportunity that crosses my path. 
K. Rochard - Gloucester

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I always knew you would be the guy to sell it... I just did not know when! You're the best realtor I have ever had! Better stated - you are one of the best professionals... it doesn't matter what the vocation... you remind me of the saying, "pick something and be the best you can at it" - thank you.
P. Sonnichsen, RCMP - Overbrook